One of the most basic human needs is belonging. Feeling connected to a person or group of people gives us security and security. It arises when people with the same interests, opinions, preferences or goals in life meet. But how are connections made to other people and how does it feel to feel connected?
Why is the continent of Africa mostly perceived as a big country and at the same time pigeonholed in such a negative way?
Africa is an absolute insider tip!
So today I would like to share with you my personal 10 most important considerations as to why I decided to live in The Gambia, West Africa, with my family.
What we do today decides what the world of tomorrow will look like.” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach)
We took this principle to heart and reflected on the events of the last 2 years. The world is changing incredibly rapidly at the moment. The direction in which we are going, the future of our children, is still open. Now it needs the people who ensure positive development and lead the world into a golden future.
"Throw off your fear, rely on your inner strength, trust life and you will be rewarded. You can do more than you think.” This quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson speaks to my soul and every person on earth should internalize these words and thus perceive their own positive energy and convert it into successful action.